The future of work and leadership

10 things senior team members should keep in mind

Senior teams, whether they be operating boards, executive committees or senior management teams, need to work at how they work together to produce the outcome they are paid to deliver.

High performing top teams look at things like their make up, roles and structure, but they also focus on the  behaviours of individual that will enable them to perform.

During my work in senior team facilitation, I’ve found there are some key behaviours and attitudes that team members find particularly useful. Here is the top ten most helpful:

Practice these things and turn them into habits.  Give people feedback when they do these things and you find it helpful. Tell them why.  Similarly, explain how the lack of a behaviour might have diminished your joint performance.

Of course there are other factors that also lead to a top team performing, but more often than not these additional factors are as well as, not instead of, the behaviours and attitudes above. That’s why I constantly keep these behaviours front of mind while facilitating senior teams helping them to work more effectively together.

If you’d like to develop your top team so they deliver amazing results and enjoy what they do, then call Simon on 020 3488 0464 or email

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