How our communications preferences differ by generation

By |September 24th, 2015|Future of Work, Generational Diversity, Leadership|

  Not surprisingly, workplace communications preferences vary considerably across generations.  This is largely a result of what communication method each generation has grown up with [...]

6 pitfalls and things to avoid for future of work leaders

By |September 22nd, 2015|Future of Work, Leadership|

People love lists.  During masterclasses with managers and leaders, I often get asked for a list of obvious pitfalls and things to avoid when leading [...]

Why flexibility in time, location and process is a top future of work expectation

By |September 9th, 2015|Future of Work, Leadership|

The most often talked about shift in the changing expectation of the future of work is the desire for more flexibility - in time, location [...]

Leading people doing jobs designed for robots

By |September 4th, 2015|Future of Work, Leadership|

People worry that robots are taking the jobs of people. But more worrying is that too many people are still doing jobs better-designed for machines, [...]

Do you lead conscripts or volunteers?

By |August 3rd, 2015|Future of Work, Leadership|

In my last post, we looked at how technology and the ‘gig’ economy has created a shift for employees from needing-to-work for an organisation to [...]

Talent’s got options – moving from “need to work” to “want to work” thinking

By |July 29th, 2015|Future of Work, Leadership|

Throughout the 20th century (and indeed before then), organisations have been built on the assumption that their workers needed to work for them.  For the [...]

Gen Z Kids don’t use phones (to talk)

By |July 8th, 2015|Future of Work, Generational Diversity|

Kids get mobile phones earlier and earlier these days – I remember my daughter, when she was around 10,  being somewhat disappointed when clearly fishing [...]

The value of social media in the workplace: the power of weak links

By |July 6th, 2015|Future of Work, Leadership|

I was at dinner with a senior director in the property investments business recently. We were talking about what made his organisation ‘valuable’. Being in [...]

Gen Z “Swipe-before-you-can-write generation”- what are the implications?

By |July 1st, 2015|Future of Work, Generational Diversity|

I recently watched a toddler in a TV shop try to the swipe the on-screen graphics on the rolling news being played.   He got really [...]

Our preference (or bias) on display – a leadership lesson from the newsstand

By |June 29th, 2015|Future of Work, Generational Diversity, Leadership|

Have you ever thought about the irony of rows of ‘How-to-use your-iPad’ type magazines that grace every newsstand? How come there is a market for [...]